Jennifer P. 宋珍妮

  • 我学中文的过程中肯定遇到很多苦和乐,但是我一直没有放弃我学中文的梦想。到今天,我一点儿后悔都没有。中文是一个又美丽又丰富的语言,而且我能够有机会学中文带给我很大的成就感。我学中文的路程带我到中国很多不同的地方,从北方的内蒙古,到南方的桂林,我知道还有很多中国地方我还没去。一有机会可分享我学中文的经历,我会抓紧这个时刻来鼓励其他人多了解中国的文化和语言。我很荣幸UBC的中国语言部给我这个机会来采访我,而制作了这个短视频。点击这里看完整的视频

  • I started learning piano when I was 4 years old, and continued to learn and compete in music competitions up until I was 18. Learning piano has helped me develop as a person in so many ways, and played a major part in my life growing up. Through music I have learned discipline, the reward of hard work, and how to express myself through music. This is one of my favourite pieces, "Intermezzo Op. 117. No. 2 in B flat Minor" by Johanne Brahms.

  • On Nov 21st, I had the amazing opportunity to speak at the Studies in China Alumni Society of BC (SCAS-BC) plaque unveiling ceremony. In addition to sharing my study and work experiences in China, I also touched on the many opportunities that are out there for youth in BC who are interested in learning more about China and the Chinese language.

  • Hong Kong is one of my favourite cities in the world - when most people think of Hong Kong they think of the lively way of life and massive skyscrapers, but Hong Kong's breathtaking landscapes deserve more attention. What I love about Hong Kong is that I could be working in its bustling financial centre during the weekdays, but on the weekends I could escape into its stunning nature. This clip shows my favourite spot to go in Hong Kong - cliff diving near one of Sai Kung's beautiful beaches.

  • 今年9月,在香港实习结束后,我去了泰国旅游。在泰国我和我朋友去了曼谷和普吉岛,因此我们有机会享受了泰国丰富的文化和美丽的海边。除了中国,泰国是我去过的唯一个亚洲国家。

  • As a prairie girl, going from wheat fields to towering Rocky Mountains was a big change at first. Of course, I have grown to love the mountains here in BC and I enjoy going for a hike any chance I can get. This picture was taken at Garibaldi Lake!

  • 去年8月,我和两个北大同学一起去桂林玩儿。虽然我去过中国很多次,但是我一般都会在大城市里学中文或者工作。我一直都很想去看中国的美丽风景,所以我就选择去桂林。在桂林时,我们在漓江上坐竹筏漂流,在市中心玩儿,也去了雄伟的龙胜梯田。

  • As much as I love adventuring to far places and experiencing new cultures, I also like to escape the Canadian winter and go on relaxing vacations in warm places. This picture was taken in Hawaii, and in it you can see my favourite beach on Oahu Island - Kailua Beach.

  • Storm the Wall is one of the most iconic events that takes place at UBC every spring. During my last year at UBC, I decided to take on the challenge by doing the whole race by myself as an IronWoman. I swam 200m, sprinted 500m, biked 3.5km and ran 1.5km by myself. Lastly I got over a 12 foot wall with only the assistance of one person at the bottom. Here's a little clip of me getting over the wall!

  • 我的第一个汉语桥比赛小面试。在面试里我讲一下我自己的背景,然后说我中国去了哪些地方。除了在北上广学习汉语,我也去过内蒙古,成都,桂林,杭州,天津,和长沙。点击这里看完整面试在湖南教育台的网站

  • 今年7月底,我代表加拿大参加了湖南卫视的”汉语桥“中文比赛。一共有157位大学生来自全球122个国家到北京然后长沙,参加第十八届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛。我在这个比赛中得到很多难忘的回忆,从在北京长城旅游到湖南卫视的长沙演播室拍摄。

  • During my four years at UBC, I met one of my best friends, Aurora. She grew up in Norway and also spent a few years living in Suzhou, China. Aside from her brilliant, intelligent and kind personality, she supports me in every way and encourages me to grasp all the rare opportunities in life. I miss Aurora very much, as she is currently studying at the London School of Economics in their Masters of Environmental Economics program.

  • 2017年夏天,我在北京大学读了一个六个星期的中文暑期班。在中国的最著名大学之一学习是一个很难得的机会,我不但享受了北京的文化,而且跟来自世界五湖四海的同学一起学习中文。

  • Like I do my mom, I respect and admire my dad so much. He has taught me to be hard-working, disciplined, and kind. My dad used to work all over Canada and in Hong Kong and Taipei before settling down on the farm he grew up on. My dad always says he has to work so hard as a farmer because he is providing food for the world, and he is a reminder for me to always be proud of my humble roots.

  • 我的妈妈对我今天的个人特性有了重大影响。我一直很佩服我妈妈的勇气,她跟我现在差不多一样大跟着我爸爸离开中国到加拿大。她从小教我们讲广东话,后来当我13岁时,她要我独自一人到北京学习汉语。 那时我还不了解学习中文会改变我的生活。 我来温哥华之后才对我妈妈很感激支持我学汉语,因为我的汉语知识为我打开了很多门。